Wednesday, October 7, 2009

TVM Solver

T ime
V alue
M oney

press APPS ---> ENTER ----> ENTER to get to TVM solver menu

N= number of times interest is compounded(#)
I% = interest rate as APR(%)
PV = present value($)
PMT = payment per period ($)
FV = future value ($)
P/Y = payments per year (#)
C/Y = compoundings per year (#)

ex. I want to buy an 04' corvette.
It costs $33 995 plus PST on book value
($33 995 x 1.07 = $36374.65)
I have $2 000.00 to make a down payment.
I need to take out a $34 374.65 loan (obvisously) at an interest rate of 7%
and is to be paid off in 5 years with monthly payments.
I want to calculate my monthly payment.

so I enter this on the TVM Solver

N = 5 x 12=60
I% = 7
PV = 34 374.65
PMT = (press ALPHA ---> ENTER) answer should be -680.66
FV= 0
P/Y = 12
C/Y= 12
---highlight END

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Question 15

15. On Murky Island there is a bear population of 400. Every year, 12% of the bear population dies. Each spring an average of 56 bear cubs are born.

a)determine the bear pop ulation over the next 5 years. Show your work.
year 0 - 400 bears x 88% survival rate(12% mortality rate) + 56 bears born year 1 - 408
year 2 - 415
year 3 - 421
year4 - 426
year5 - 431

b) What will the bear population be after it stabilizes?
The bear population will be at 465, conservatively when it stabilzes.

c) Construct a population graph of the sequence extending the x-axis to include the first 50 years. Lbel the graph.

d) Devise a plan to stabilize the bear population between 400 and 450 bears (inclusive) by the 50 th year using the following parameters:

-he intial bear population is 400
-he birth rate remains at 56 bear cubs per year
the death rate remains at 12% of the population each year
you must cath and transport bears off the island each year
you must stop recreational fishing which results in an increase of up to a maximum of 10 more bears each year.

State the stblized bear population. Show your work to explain how you arrived at your answer.

400 bears x 88% survival rate + 56 bears born + 10 due to fishing restrictions - 16 bears are transported off the island = (400*.88+50).

The stabilized bear population would be at about 415 animals using this formula (400*.88+50)

Monday, October 5, 2009

question number 11

I've gotten a little bit behind on my blog posts ,so i am posting the solutions to two sequences questions from the handout (#11 and 15).

11. Scientists have determined that 8 parts per million (ppm) of oil in water is an acceptable level. After an oil spill, the level of oil in a spill zone rises to 900ppm. Its is known that each week the spilled oil is reduced by 40%.

a) How many weeks will it take for the oil to be at an acceptable level?

week 0- 900ppm of oil in water x 60% retention rate of oil in water (40% depletion rate)
week 1 - 540 x .6
week 2 - 324 x .6
week 3 - 194.4
week 4 - 116.64
week 5 - 69.984
week 6 - 41.99
week 7 - 25.194
week 8 - 15.117
week 9 - 9.07
week 10 - 5.442 ppm of oil

It would take 10 weeks for the oil to be at an acceptable level.

* I came about this answer by entering the formula 900* .6 on the homescreen of my calculator and pressing enter consecutively

b)Chemicals could be added to the spill zone at the beginning of each week to speed up the process. There are two treatments available:
Treatment 1 oil is reduced by an additional 50 ppm at a cost of $1 million per treatment

Treatment2 oil is reduced by an additional 10 ppm at a cost of $550 000 per treatment

Compare treatment 1 and 2 in order to recommend a treatment, if any. Analyze the cost and time required for each treatment. Support your answer by providing cost and time.

Treatment 1 Treatment 2

week 0 - 900 x 54.4% ( 45.6 removal rate) week 0 - 900 x 58.9% (41.1 % removal rate)
week 1 - 489.6 week 1 - 530
week 2- 266.342 week 2 - 312.229
week 3 - 144.89 week 3 - 183.903
week4 - 78.82 week 4 - 108.319
week 5 - 42.878 week 5 - 63.8
week 6 - 23.326 week 6 - 37.578
week 7 - 12.689 week 7 - 22.664
week 8 - 6.903 week 8- 13.037
week 9 - 7.679

I would recommend neither treatment, on account that one would have to double any of each treatment to have any greater effect on the amount of time that it takes for the oil to dissipate from the water, and doubling either of the treatments would have a tremendously significant dollar value.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I don't entirely feel like writing too much right now, but i thought it may be a good idea since i haven't added to my math blog for a little bit. Umm.... so i just finished the first test in math class the other day-i think i got nearly 100 on it(if not exactly) - thus bringing an end to the first unit.

Monday, September 21, 2009

pink floyd should have been banned

The refraction of light across such a minute prism should only occur in acute angles
-And only in acute angles.
Rain falls only on the plains of Spain ... reflection only during periods of insomnia.
Interpret me. as a being.. as a study ... as stone. Five fingers and a thumb.
Structure can't be necessary.
Common kings. as life
-I'm just speaking rationally here.
Just bending some lights.
Bigger things.. such small footprints.
Time will come... will come... will come.will come.
Still life... regulators.regulars.
Dividing...exponentially frothing from the sea.

-So i speak to myself... like and insomniac... like a fella' who's been up all night contemplating the existance of his a fella' who suffers from dyslexia.I heard a joke like that once. I once heard a joke like that in the center of the universe.One should not be alarmed by the strange way that I speak to myself(although it is feasable to assume that I shouldn't speak like this to myself on a blog for math class), for I am a rather peculiar individual. The way that i speak to myself on this blog may sometimes become strange, and fairly out to lunch. But thats just how it is. Most of my work on this blog ..will usually be done late in the night, because quite frankly my head just doesn't work the same in the morning(especially if i'm up all night theorizing that it doesn't). For some reason, I just can't find it in myself to speak to myself during the daylight hours, It makes me feel crazy...
Something i should really be doing with this blog is, blogging about math.. reflecting about it, not writing post-it notes to myself about the feelings i aquire during deep,methodical contemplation, regarding the morning math class i went to(althougth one can oly be more readily excited be colors than numbers). I should crunch something...and throw away some old crutches. Then I could achieve things-useful things.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Exercise 5 #2

A corporation has two types of factories that produce kitchen and bedroom suites. The average weekly production of kitchen and bedroom suites at eac type of factory is shown in the chart below. The Corporation has three factories of type A and eight factories of type B Kitchen suites sell for $1500.00 and bedroom suites for $2200.00. Use matrix operations to determine the following:

a) the weekly production of kitchen and bedroom suites, and

b) the total market value of the goods purchased.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I can't remember but i think this was supposed to be posted on Monday

... Today in class, the Mr. was teaching Matrix modeling, and as always it was an utterly compelling class. I didn't learn to0 much, of course- due in part to my ineptitude to pay attention(i was quite sleepy), and also my ineptitude to have successfully obtained a 40s applied math credit in the previous semester( i already knew the material!).So i just sat there... inside my head, thinking about Pueblo, Colorado , and red rocks, and martians, and tinfoil hats. So i sat there waiting until 10:00 A.M, waiting for a coffee break to shake up some motion. Waiting to make a routine trip, to a routine place. I love this day.
So i just sat there pondering the meaning of it all ... i sat there surrounded by an immense cosmos... i sat there in the center of the universe,room 204.


First, and foremost one would make the obvious assumption that an accurate and intermittent goal for me to make, would be for me to start blogging-blogging about math!!.... and doing it on a regular basis-to acquire a 40s applied math credit. Because , i have already taken this course- and failed it once already- i absolutely do not want to do it again.Secondly i would also like to bugger off some where far away from Cowan, Manitoba upon the completion of my remaining grade 12 courses.